Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Blog birthday giveaway

To celebrate my blog's birthday, I'm holding my first ever giveaway (and I'm very excited and yet a bit nervous about it at the same time!)  I can't believe it, but unravelled was one on 12th.  When I started this on a whim a year ago, I had no idea how much blogging would affect my life - I look at things in a completely different way, always with the thought that I should photograph things to share; I've made some real, lovely friends; I've been unbelievably inspired and endlessly entertained - and I wanted to say thank you for that.  When I read your comments, especially those that you leave at the end of my posts where I'm not feeling tip-top (see 'winter blahs' for proof of my love of a good whinge every so often) it always, without fail and exception, makes me smile and feel better and think 'ah, there are people out there who understand the frustration/hilarity of poo-falling-down-trouser-leg-related-incidents' and that's a good thing to know.
So, without further ado, here is what I have on offer:
A copy of 'Cute And Easy Crochet' by Nicki Trench (I have it and I love it!)  This was a pristine, sparkly new book until about four seconds after I took this photo and dropped it on its spine on the floor - that'll teach me not to take photos in the hall as I'm trying to get the kids' shoes and coats on ready for school.  Error.  Anyway, every time you look at the dent on the spine, you'll be able to think of me, shouting and getting stressed on my way to the school run...
A lovely little hardback notebook from Pip Studio.  I've included this because my post about my gubbins 'bible' really seemed to resonate with a lot of you and I wanted to share the crafty notebook love.
A packet of 'Pretty Please Mix n Match Stationery', which includes writing paper, envelopes and stickers - all in a slightly camp, 'hello sailor' sort of vein.  I might find it quite hard to part with this...
There are also a couple of other little goodies that I've collected together, which I will keep as a surprise.
If you would like to enter this giveaway, which I will leave open until 1 March, please:
* become a follower of this blog, if you aren't already
* leave me a comment to let me know you'd like to be entered
* if you blog about it, let me know and I'll enter your name into the hat a second time.
And before I go, I should let you know about two blog friends of mine who are also having giveaways (cor, it's giveaway central round here...) Nicki and Ashley both have some beautiful goodies on offer, so do pop over to see them.
Good luck! x
Edit: Blimey, I'm really nervous now that no-one will enter - this is worse than having a party and thinking you'll end up sobbing into your wine glass at the end of the night because only your mum and best friend turned up...


  1. Oh look - i'm first to comment - that is a first!! :-) Count me in please

  2. Hi, just found your blog via Country Rose and I`m so glad I did. Just off to have a read through now with a mug of hot choccie.
    Please enter me for a chance to win your lovely giveaway.

  3. Also added a button on my sidebar advertising your giveaway.

  4. Ha ha!! I know exactly what you mean - its the exact analogy I used for how I felt about mine when I was chatting to hush! Anyway, me please!!


  5. I must admit, I've been endlessly entertained by you and probably more than once had a giggle at some of your unfortunate tales ..........but all in a supportive and caring manner you understand ;-)

    I would love to be entered into your giveaway, I've wanted that crochet book for a while having seen it on a few other blogs and the other book and stationery look gorgeous......I will try and remember to send a few in your direction when I blog next....but then seive like brain, I wouldn't put money on it!

  6. Lovely giveaway - happy anniversary. Can I be in it to win it???

  7. Oh yes please!! I feel like I'm the only one that Still doesn't have this book! I'll tweet about your giveaway now and then I'll pop it on my blog when I'm next on the laptop.

    Ashley xxx

  8. I would love to enter, and happy blogiversary, I always enjoy reading your posts

  9. Me, me, me!!!!! Please put my name in the hat please *makes cheesy grin & crosses fingers hoping for a win* :D such pretties!

    Jo x x x

  10. I wont enter as i was given that crochet book for my birthday, but what a lovely idea! And Happy First Birthday to your blog! Gillian x

  11. A lovely giveaway. As a novice crochet-woman, I am intrigued by the book! blessings on your blog-birthday x

  12. Congratulations on your blog birthday. I bet your wondering where the last 12 months have gone! :)
    I'd love to enter your giveaway, the crochet book looks amazing.
    Anne xx

  13. You know I love your blog and am so happy for you. Count me in!

  14. What a lovely blog i stumbled across it through my daughter Ashley of Country Rose7 blog, and i would love to be entered into your give away, and congratulations on your first year
    Tracie xx

  15. Congrats on your one year! Looks like a great giveaway :)

  16. Hey Emily, happy blog birthday....one year, hasn't it flown?...

    You're right about blogging changing your life and how you view things.
    Like Faith you've kept me entertained with your goings on and I admit I have giggled at some of them too....but all in that sort of 'been there done that' camaraderie...

    Lovely giveaway Emily . It would be great to find a parcel in my letter box with a Royal Stamp mark on it.

    Ooh and I am definitely a follower


    Claire x

  17. I've just put a picture linky thing on my blog sidebar.
    See! You didn't to worry that no one would enter, you'll have plenty more people wanting to get their hands on those gorgeous goodies! :-)

    ashley xxx

  18. Ooh lovely giveaway. Count me in! Never fear, I will join you for a glass of wine at your party any time!!! xx

  19. Of course everyone will want to enter and on that note please enter me too :)

    Those are really lovely prizes and a very generous and thoughtful giveaway.

    Your blog is brilliant. I really enjoy reading it. Keep them posts coming, x

  20. Haha, you are so funny, as if people wouldn't enter, such lovely gifts. If I was so lucky to win, I would ask you to draw out another person to give the Nicki Trench book to as I already have it. I have become a follower (thought I was already)
    Yeh, poo gets people in every time :)
    xx Sandi

  21. I'm just starting to teach myself crochet (as in last night!!) so I'd love love love to enter your giveaway :)

  22. Happy Bloggy Birthday to you! I'd love to be included in your 1st birthday giveaway ~ I'm already a follower of your blog :O)xx

  23. Happy bloggiversary to you!

    Making me chuckle + inspire me = fab blog. 'Nuff said.


    PS. Oops, please can I be entered too?

  24. PPS. Will add a linky to my sidebar. x

  25. Hi Emily
    Don't worry it looks like you have plenty of people at your party ha ha!! Congratulations on your one year anniversary...I've just passed my one month!! Have enjoyed your blog for a while now and this has motivated me to stop lurking, make a comment and become a follower. Don't you love the thrill of reading a comment left on your blog :)

  26. I don't think you needed to worry! Looks like plenty of people want to be at your party! Congratulations on your anniversary! Please enter me.
    I have also added your giveaway to my giveaway page on my blog:
    I hope I send some more people your way :-)

  27. Oooo, me! Me! Me! Me! Choose me, please!!!!
    Lush giveaway.

  28. Ooooh, that book! Want! Want! Want! :D And who cares about the dent - books are meant to be read (and slightly damaged), right? ;)
    And happy bloggiversary!

  29. Happy Blog Birthday. Great giveawy, count me in please, I am already a follower of your blog :) x x x x

  30. I have just added a button to my sidebar mentioning your giveaway x x x x

  31. Hi Emily, I just discovered your blog and your great giveaway. Please put my name in the hat. I am looking forward to reading your blog and getting to know you. Please check mine out.

  32. This looks a great book - I've seen it mentioned on several blogs! and as you say the dent will remind the lucky winner of you!
    Oh I'm a follower too!

  33. Please include me, I have just started following your blog and cute and Easy Crochet is just what I need!! Check out my blog I've had a few "crochet issues" lol

  34. Hello! I'm a new follower to your lovely blog, and I reeeeeally want to win this!

  35. See? You didn't need to worry no one would turn up! I'm a follower (and reader!) of your lovely blog and I'd love to win - thanks for the chance!

  36. Congratulations on your blog's birthday!! Looking forward to many birthdays to come :-)
    I'd like to enter the giveaway, too, though I don't have a blog to mention it on... Thanks!!

  37. Great giveaway! :) Please pop me in the hat x I am now a follower too x
    Leah xx

  38. Hi! I´ve just found your blog! I'm following you and I'd love to win the giveaway! Please, put my name in the hat!!! xx

  39. Hi - I've just found your blog and am following. Congratulations on your first 'birthday'!! I would love the giveaway. I've just taken up crochet again after a few years away. Lovin' it, but wish I had more time for it. I'll mention your giveaway on my blog as well.

  40. I think your blog is gorgeous. I was following it through Max's Daddy
    But have recently added you to my list of lovely blogs.
    And keeping updated that way. Would love the crochet book
    as it is my aim this maternity leave to put aside
    the knitting and learn!

  41. Congratulations!!!May you always have fun and joy here.Thanks for giveaway,so generous of you,everything looks amazing.Now I follow.

  42. oh wow! happy birthday:) count me in, please!:) gfc follower! balintnati (at) gmail (dot) com

  43. Hello Emily,

    I am more than fashionably late for this giveaway but it is SO amazing that I would like to enter it anyway, please, if I may?

    I am a follower, by the way.

    Yes giveaways are a little stressful. That's why you need a few months to recover after each one :-)

  44. Oh, I'd love a chance to win!!!
    Maria x

  45. OMGoodness - I nearly missed this!!! Count me in - off to check I'm a follower.....fee x

  46. of course I am! Are we still on for friday??? SO looking forward to it!
    I'll mention your giveaway of I manage to blog before the end date....looking unlikely!
    fee x

  47. Me please, and I promise to hide the first dent in the book with a few more ... this crochet lark is trying to get the better of me, but I will not let it win, even if I do have to throw a few projects/books/nearest things to hand at the wall in frustration along the way ;D

    I'm having a blog birthday giveaway too ... fun, but yes, definitely scary. Anyhoo, Happy Blogoversary x

  48. happy blogiversary! :) raineoc@yahoo.com

  49. Just found your lovely blog.....But as always I'm late,HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY
    XX Manda XX
